Yarn, WIPs, and Hooks oh My!

Last Friday night Luke and I went to see the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. If you haven’t figured out by now we’re a little bit on the nerdy side, me more so than him. It was amazing you should go see it! Anyways, we went to Walmart afterwards (like always) and I saw this

clearance yarn


I couldn’t believe my eyes!! Yarn NEVER goes on clearance at my Walmart! I snagged up a couple of skeins because I just couldn’t pass up the deals. I grabbed two skeins of Bernat Softee Chunky in Dad’s Scarf and Hot Pink (Luke kind of forced me on this one because I never make anything for myself and it would go well with that gray, cream, and soft pink cowl I’m planning to make). And one skein of Lion Brand Hometown USA in New York White. Plan to make this into some baby hats for the cousins.

And I’ve already used two of them to make a Christmas present for Pap!! First fully completed Christmas gift!! Woot Woot!! I used Bernat’s Softee Chunky in Dad’s Scarf and Black to make a hat. I know, not originally what I was going to make him. But I couldn’t pass up the gray, black, and green combo of Dad’s Scarf (he’s a big hunter). I decided on the hat because he’s got a giant head (I measured, 24 inch circumference!!) and has problems finding hats to fit. It’s just a plain styled dc beanie. Going off of Luke’s head it’s the perfect length but next time I see Pap I’m going to take another measurement to make fully certain it’s the right length before finishing off. That’s why I don’t have pictures yet. The top half is made using Dad’s Scarf and the last three rows are made using the Black. Why did I choose this you ask? Because I ran out of Dad’s Scarf half way through and there was only Black left in the carts when I went back to get more on Tuesday. Still looks pretty awesome. Maybe I’ll use the left over Black for more baby hats 🙂

Yesterday I finally finished the last square for Eden’s blanket!!

That thing in the middle is a ruler to give you something for scale. All of the orange squares are a normal Granny Square. Each blue one is a different stitch pattern. I think it looks pretty neat. Remember I’m making myself the same blanket but all in Sage green. I still need to do 9 of my Granny Squares. But for Eden’s all I have left is to attach them all and crochet a border. I’m not sure if I want to go granny style or leave it kind of plain like.

Getting the mail today I saw a package had arrived!

These bad boys were sitting in my mailbox just waiting for me to open them!! They can be found HERE. As most of the Amazon reviews said, yes the plastic cords do smell something foul. But I’m sure spending the day outside in the sun will help with that. I can’t wait to use them!! I’m hoping to use them for a Christmas present 🙂

Oh I started that test for CTbL last night. I’m only 6 rows in and it’s taken me a little while. I need to make some bobbins now before I can continue though. So I’m going to go get started on those!!

On the Hook:

  • Bobbins and Test for CTbL
  • Baby girl hats for D
  • Giant pile for Christmas

The Craftys update and a package

Not much has been going on over here lately. I’m slowly getting votes on my Skyrim Helmet over at The Craftys. Please keep them coming!! Just make sure you log-in with either the Facebook or Twitter icons that are under the description. After that just click on the little silver heart. Thank you so much!

The Skyrim Helmet was my second original design. What was my first you ask? Good question. It was an amigurumi lizard. (For those of you who don’t know what amigurumi means, it’s Japanese for a crocheted or knitted stuffed toy) I know, totally different direction. A few years back, 4 actually, I wanted to make my boyfriend’s cousin a lizard for his birthday. I wasn’t happy with what I had found online and decided to make my own. I based my design off some pictures of lizards I had found on the web. I think he turned out awesome and the little man loved him!

Well I had been wanting to go back and take a second look at what I had crudely written down many years ago and when better than during The Craftys! Turns out I had written down the pattern pretty awesomely. I then took some photos and entered him into The Craftys as well. So if you don’t mind, please vote for him in the same manner! Thank you much!! As with the Skryim Helmet, I’ll get around to writing and posting this pattern as well.

Award shows aside, over the weekend I had gotten an Amazon package in the mail. I was pretty excited. I had ordered some foam heads!!! a Tunisian hook, and some yarn. Yarn was awesome, the hook as well (I’m eager to learn how to do Tunisian crochet). Sad thing is my heads weren’t awesome. Both the male and female heads are tiny, a circumference of only 20 inches! My head is 21 inches!! I’m not sure how I’ll use the male head when working on Luke’s hats because his head is 23 inches around!! The male’s nose is also smushed a tad. And the female’s base is broken so she doesn’t stand. Oy vey to the max. I’ll just have to learn to work with it I guess.

One of the yarns I got is Lion Brand’s Fun Fur in black. Thanks to Luke’s suggestion I’m going to work on a mullet hat. Yep, a hat that will look like the mullet hair style. Business in the front and party in the back baby! hahah The second yarn I got is Lily’s Sugar ‘n Cream in Sage for one of my Pay-It-Forward projects. I started working on it over the weekend and hope to finish during the week. Can’t tell you what it’s going to be until I give it away. Just know that it’s going to be awesome and I’ll probably end up making one for myself.

But that’s all here. Please vote!! Thank you much!!

On the Hook:

  • Pay-It-Forward (Lacie)
  • Fin for Skyrim Helmet
  • CAL Textured Blanket x2

Boye’s Ergonomic Aluminum Crochet Handle

I know I promised pictures of the items I made myself. I’m sorry but I don’t have those just yet. I need someone else to take a picture of me wearing the one and every time Luke’s home I keep forgetting. I’m going to have to write a sticky note or something to remember.

Anyways, last week while browsing the clearance section at Walmart I spotted this little beauty at the unbelievable price of just $3!

boye ergonomic aluminum handle

Imagine my excitement! When I first found out about this gadget I was skeptical because of the reviews over on Amazon. But at this price I couldn’t pass it up. And boy am I glad I didn’t! I’ve only used this guy a few times this past week but man can my hand tell there’s a different when using it. You can bet I’ll be using this more often! I highly suggest getting yourself one of these bad boys.

A new thing I’m going to try out is stating at the end of each post what I’m currently working on. I’m hoping that seeing it in a list form will help me work on finishing them before starting new projects. So here it goes….

On the hook:

  • Knight’s Helmet
  • Red Heart CAL Textured blanket
  • Pay-It-Forward for Erin

Oh that’s not too bad! I thought I had more than that. And I can’t really control the speed of the CAL blanket. But the first and third projects are on their way to being completed soon